Do I need a will?
This is a “Last Will and Testament” of your final wishes. Take heed. Please do not construe your intentions with your wanted outcomes. A blank piece of paper, a pen, and a friend will not work.
No Will?
Many may think that they can simply tell somebody what they want to happen once they pass away.
No. This creates problems; what you want and intend to do needs to be memorialized. You need the assistance of a lawyer. It is not pleasant to think about, but it is necessary if you want everything to flow smoothly upon your passing.
Disputes about family property are the easiest way for family members to sunder. This can be easily avoided. The reason we have statutes concerning last wills and testaments is in order for the law to be clear. To avoid unpleasant family disputes. There are certain exceptions, but the BEST way to establish your wishes is to consult a lawyer with experience in estate planning and probate to execute a last will and testament.
“Probate” is a legal term for administering the litigation of the property of the recently deceased. Establishing a will administers property that passes through the will. Have a trusted lawyer guide you through this. There are ways that property can bypass the formality of probate so as not to incur unnecessary expense.
Online forms and research will not help you. In fact, these types of documents will likely create more problems; problems you will not be able to handle after you are gone. Problems you don’t want your loved ones to deal with.
You may ask yourself… do I need a will? The answer: talk to an attorney. Not just any attorney. Call us: Panter Law Firm, PLLC.
If you are curious about your area, call us. We handle wills, estates, and probate cases across Mississippi. Chancery Courts in Mississippi have jurisdiction over these types of issues. Check out this map .
Article by Richard Poole Noel, III
Panter Law Firm, PLLC, 7736 Old Canton Road, Suite B, Madison, MS 39110
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